Wednesday 17 October 2012

Rock and roll health and safety centre.
So I went on a school trip and where better to take a load of pre-pubescents but the health and safety centre in Pohang. Now I was not looking forward to this at all, especially when my landlord banged down my door the previous evening to show me a text telling me to be at school early. There seemd to be a problem with just telling when I was at school at any point the previous week. HOWEVER, it was one of the funniest things I've ever done.
The whole point of the centre is to promote safety in the work place and in general life. So, the first room we went into the put the kids in a convertable and drove it at the wall (slowly mind). This is what I do to them in my head on a regular basis, but with a little more momentum. Then there was a display of beer goggles which made it dificult to see and the kids wandered around banging in to things. The piece de resistance though was the fat suit which one girl climbed into and the other kids forced me into before running around poking me and laughing. So I death grip hugged them. The shocked silence when they dragged me on the scales though was quite an ego boost.
The next room was about the importance of emergency exit signs. For this there was a winding corridor in the pitch black with just occasional flickers of emergency exit signs. Hanging from the ceiling was tumble dryer hose, the floor was littered with bean bags and stairs and at the end it narrowed into a tunnel of about kid height. The kids went though and my co teacher pushed me in after them (as you may have gathered she's not a fan) and I stumbled around trying not to crush children, I was doing Ok until I slammed my head into the wall when it went into a tunnel. The kids around me died laughing and when I finally made it out I realised the other kids were watching on CCTV and had seen it. They also died laughing along with my co-teacher.
The third room was a 4D cinema where the seats vibrated, pummeled your back, shot air in your face and you wore 3D glasses. They showed us loads of videos of people falling of buildings, drilling themselves, getting electrocuted. It was actually fun. I really wish I'd had that for training at work instead of the the wrist-slittingly boring H&C briefings I've been through.

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