Thursday 21 February 2013

School lunch ettiquette

So I after graduation in my school I had to go to a dinner with the faculty. After being told it was raw fish the best I could hope for was sushi. Unfortunately my worst nightmares came true when I was confronted with strips of raw fish, whole fish with the heads on you eat, yes, whole, and a selection of raw shell fish-  things like looked like star anise with bum holes attached and something a consumptive patient sneezed out.

The absolute highlight for me was the 'gaebul' which literally translates as 'dog penises'. They were still alive and writhing around. Needless to say I tried to stick to the soju which the older teachers were moving around the table serving. You have to down a shot then pour one for the them that they drink. You do this with two hands to show respect and use one cup round the whole table. This doesn't bother me but bearing in mind how extremely hygienic they are with everything else it was a little odd. Especially as it's apparently acceptable to get completely rat-arsed in front of all your colleagues and bosses. It made for an interesting afternoon anyway.